Different Games
Le match play
The game is played hole by hole. A hole is won by the player who made the least nonbre strokes on the hole.
The game ends when one player has more advance holes than are left to play!
Le stroke play
All hits are counted. This test can be played without disabilities (gross) or disability (net).
Le stableford
Players score points on each hole based on the score achieved, the winner being the one whose point total is the highest at the end of the race.
Plain: above the bogey: 0 pt – Bogey (1 over par): 1 pt – By: 2 pts Birdie: (1 under par): 3 pts – Eagle (2 under par) 4 pts – Albatros (3 under par): 5 pts.
Net: the player is given the blows according to its index and difficulty of the holes. 1 shot awarded on a par 4 hole that turns into a 5 for the player.
Contre le par
This is a Match Play (include hole by hole) whose opponent is the course. Once again, the counting of beatings, calculated based on HCP, players score + or – as they earn, share or lose the hole. The algebraic sum of + or – gives the final result.
Race flag
Each player has a personal flag that will be planted at the place where found his ball when he has exhausted touts his shots. This total is obtained by the ajourtant« By Day » (or SSS, Scratch Score Standard) to the player’s handicap.
Run for the string
Each competitor receives a string, usually at 50 cm per point handicap (HCP 20 = 10 meters). It can use the string as it sees fit (out of bunkers, perilous positions, a delicate putt) by cutting the length each time it uses. The use of string is beyond counting strokes. But be careful not to squander the ….